
Showing posts from May, 2019

How To Get Followers on Twitter Fast?

I recently came across a Twitter account for a small business that had a grand total of two followers. (I became their third.) They had posted some pretty good tweets (informative, witty, good visuals) but so far as I could tell that was the only thing they were doing. They hadn't followed anyone, and hadn't retweeted, replied to or liked anyone's tweets. I couldn't see any activity other than their tweets. Even with top-notch tweets, that's not how to grow a Twitter presence.  There is a question that scatch every twitter want to know, How To Get Followers on Twitter Fast?  To gain followers, you must achieve two things: ·          Get noticed by well-targeted people ·          Make a good impression when you do The business I'm describing needs a plan for both of those, but especially the first. Unless you're already famous, few followers will find you on their own. It's up to you to get in front of them. Branding your pre